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File Upload

Please Fill Out The Information Below And Submit Your Files

(Please follow guidelines, otherwise your file may not be used by the staff)

  • Highly Preferred File Type: Adobe Illustrator, .EPS, .AI, or Adobe Photoshop, .TIFF, .PSD or .PSB. (Please contact us for other acceptable file formats)
  • Files should be designed at 1/10 scale at 720dpi.(Example; for every 1″ = 10″)
  • Prepare Text or Line Art (such as logo’s) in Vector format and convert all fonts to paths/curves/outlines. (When possible)

We recommend all photography to be high resolution at least 72-300dpi at full size or a minimum of 3000×2000 pixels. 720dpi @ 10th scale is equal to 72dpi @ full size. RAW picture format is ideal for photo images.

When using images in artwork, be sure to embed all images.

Add a minimum 3″ bleed on Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.

You may scale down artwork to any size however it is extremely important that all files are in proportion. (Please note EXACT final size of the graphic when submitting files)

Do not Crop or Cut-Out any part of the graphic. Please submit a solid rectangle for each side (Do-Not clip-path or power-clip wheel-wells, windows, or the shape of the vehicle).

(Please follow guidelines, otherwise your file may not be used by the staff)

  • Highly Preferred File Type: Adobe Illustrator .EPS, .AI or Adobe Photoshop .TIFF, .PSD or .PSB. (Please contact us for other acceptable file formats)
  • Files should be designed at 1/10 scale at 720dpi.(Example; for every 1″ = 10″)
  • Prepare Text or Line Art (such as logo’s) in Vector format and convert all fonts to paths/curves/outlines. (When possible)

We recommend all photography to be high resolution at least 72-300dpi at full size or a minimum of 3000×2000 pixels. 720dpi @ 10th scale is equal to 72dpi @ full size. RAW picture format is ideal for photo images.

When using images in artwork, be sure to embed all images.

Add a minimum 3″ bleed on the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.

You may scale down artwork to any size however it is extremely important that all files are in proportion. (Please note EXACT final size of the graphic when submitting files)

Do not Crop or Cut-Out any part of the graphic. Please submit a solid rectangle for each side (Do-Not clip-path or power-clip wheel-wells, windows, or the shape of the vehicle).


    (Please follow guidelines, otherwise your file may not be used by the staff)
    • Highly Preferred File Type: Adobe Illustrator .EPS, .AI or Adobe Photoshop .TIFF, .PSD or .PSB. (Please contact us for other acceptable file formats)
    • Files should be designed at 1/10 scale at 720dpi.(Example; for every 1" = 10")
    • Prepare Text or Line Art (such as logo's) in Vector format and convert all fonts to paths/curves/outlines. (When possible)

    We recommend all photography to be high resolution at least 72-300dpi at full size or a minimum of 3000x2000 pixels. 720dpi @ 10th scale is equal to 72dpi @ full size. RAW picture format is ideal for photo images.

    • When using images in artwork, be sure to embed all images.
    • Add a minimum 3" bleed on Top, Bottom, Left and Right.
    • You may scale-down artwork to any size however it is extremely important that all files are in proportion. (Please note EXACT final size of graphic when submitting files)

    Do not Crop or Cut-Out any part of the graphic. Please submit a solid rectangle for each side (Do-Not clip-path or power-clip wheel-wells, windows or the shape of the vehicle).

    Specify critical colors as Pantones; Only pantones will be color matched upon the clients request. Color matching of images (bitmaps) will not be exact and extra costs may be incurred to adjust images. (Extensive color matching WILL incur additional costs)

    We recommend files to be setup in CMYK color mode. Setting up in RGB will vary the colors and may have unexpected results.

    Due to differences in monitors and color settings of computer screens, color matching via computer or email is not possible and can not be expected.

    Be sure to set-up artwork so that the vehicle outline template is on a separate layer from your graphics. Thank You.

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, psd, ai, eps, psb, tif, Max. file size: 2 MB.